Henrietta has been nominated for the GOLDEN SPARROW in the category “TV series animation” with the episode “Henrietta is sick”. The German Children’s Media Festival will take place from September 20 to 26, 2020. With 206 German-language productions, there was a record entry in 2020 for the GOLDEN SPARROW competition. The prizes will be awarded on September 25, 2020 at the CineStar in Erfurt.
We are very happy about the nomination!
Henrietta is a cow. A mail cow, to be exact. But Henrietta is not only a mail cow. She’s also a cow who goes on a treasure hunt, plays hide-and-seek, pops out from hiding places and scares the daylights out of the mailman – in short a cow like no other. And she is most certainly not a “dumb cow”, even though she often has as rather roundabout way of doing things. Henrietta is horribly clumsy. Of course! A cow without hands, with only four hooves, who climbs trees, jumps on a trampoline… how could it not go wrong? Added to that is Henrietta’s childish naivety. Although she thinks a lot – yes, she thinks; we’ll get into more detail later – she doesn’t think about the possible consequences of her actions. As soon as Henrietta has an idea, she dives into a new adventure without thinking about the risks and often ends up in a bind. She’s sitting in a tree and can’t get back down, is stuck in a hole she dug herself… Henrietta behaves like a little child – like our target group – which offers enormous potential for the audience to identify with.